Make a Sample Item

Let us add an item to the base, but one just to see if this is working properly. So, you will need to add a Model inside the bose Model, and call it sample.
Inside, we will add these:

Part Script

This is the script you will need for the part.

while true do
script.Parent.Transparency = script.Parent.Parent.Active.Value -- If This spelling of Transparency isn't highlighted, then replace it with the spelling that is
script.Parent.CanCollide = script.Parent.Parent.Active.Value

You may notice that this uses a while true loop. That simply is a forever loop, but always have a wait inside or the code won't work

Buy Script

The Script for buying may be a bit more complex, just a warning.

local function onClick(player)
if player.Name = script.Parent.Parent.User.Value then -- Checks if The clicker is the owner of the base
if script.Parent.Parent.Money.Value > (script.Parent.Cost.Value) and (not script.Parent.Active) then -- Checks if ur rich enough
script.Parent.Active = true
script.Parent.Parent.Money.Value = script.Parent.Parent.Money.Value - script.Parent.Cost.Value
end end end

Well now, let us test. if you click the buy part, the other part should appear. If so, then good job!